Epifania in Rome: Art, Snow, and Unexpected Success
Fluent Fiction - Italian - Un pódcast de FluentFiction.org

Fluent Fiction - Italian: Epifania in Rome: Art, Snow, and Unexpected Success Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/it/episode/2025-01-03-08-38-20-it Story Transcript:It: La sera scendeva lentamente su Piazza Navona.En: The evening was slowly descending on Piazza Navona.It: Le luci delle bancarelle illuminavano l'atmosfera mentre piccoli fiocchi di neve cominciavano a posarsi sulle antiche pietre.En: The lights from the stalls illuminated the atmosphere while small snowflakes began to settle on the ancient stones.It: Era inverno a Roma, e l'Epifania si avvicinava portando con sé un'atmosfera festosa.En: It was winter in Rome, and Epifania was approaching, bringing with it a festive atmosphere.It: Luca, l'abile curatore d'arte, osservava preoccupato la piazza.En: Luca, the skilled art curator, worriedly observed the square.It: Doveva organizzare una grande mostra d'arte.En: He had to organize a large art exhibition.It: Aveva due giorni per mettere tutto a posto.En: He had two days to get everything in place.It: Accanto a lui, Giulia, la sua collega, sfogliava nervosamente le pagine del piano espositivo.En: Next to him, Giulia, his colleague, nervously flipped through the pages of the exhibition plan.It: Voleva che tutto fosse perfetto per impressionare i superiori e, forse, ottenere una promozione.En: She wanted everything to be perfect to impress the superiors and possibly earn a promotion.It: "Matteo non risponde al telefono," disse Giulia con un sospiro.En: "Matteo isn't answering the phone," said Giulia with a sigh.It: Matteo era l'artista principale della mostra.En: Matteo was the main artist of the exhibition.It: ECCENTRICO, le piaceva definirlo.En: ECCENTRIC, she liked to call him.It: Cambiava idea tanto quanto i turisti assaporavano un gelato.En: He changed his mind as often as tourists savored a gelato.It: Luca sospirò.En: Luca sighed.It: "Dobbiamo convincerlo a decidere quali opere esporre."En: "We have to convince him to decide which works to display."It: Il cielo era scuro quando finalmente Matteo arrivò.En: The sky was dark when finally Matteo arrived.It: I suoi capelli erano spettinati e un cappotto ingombrante lo avvolgeva.En: His hair was tousled and a bulky coat wrapped around him.It: Portava con sé un piccolo quadro avvolto in carta marrone.En: He carried a small painting wrapped in brown paper.It: "Ho delle modifiche da fare," annunciò subito, senza salutare.En: "I have some changes to make," he announced immediately, without greeting.It: "Matteo," iniziò Luca con pazienza, "dobbiamo avere una lista finale delle opere."En: "Matteo," Luca began with patience, "we need to have a final list of the works."It: "Ma l'arte non può essere forzata, Luca," rispose Matteo, gesticolando con enfasi.En: "But art cannot be forced, Luca," replied Matteo, gesturing emphatically.It: "E ora nevica!En: "And it's snowing now!It: Guarda!"En: Look!"It: Fuori dalla finestra, la neve cadeva più fitta.En: Outside the window, the snow was falling more heavily.It: Giulia fissava il cielo con preoccupazione.En: Giulia stared at the sky with concern.It: "Questa nevicata potrebbe ritardare il montaggio delle opere all’aperto."En: "This snowfall might delay the outdoor setup of the artworks."It: Luca sapeva che doveva trovare una soluzione.En: Luca knew he had to find a solution.