Strange News: Sleep Tours in Hong Kong? (NEW Vocabulary)

English with Dane - Un p贸dcast de Dane


Strange News is back! In this episode, we're going to Hong Kong, where a company is offering bus tours for people who can't sleep. Yup. You read that right. People are taking tours around the city to be able to finally get some sleep. Strangely, I identify. Find out how people respond to these tours and let me know what you think of the idea. As always, this will be a great opportunity to discover new vocabulary in English (especially compound adjectives) that you can add to your arsenal today. Remember to write down your favorite words from the show and to review them for one minute a day because it makes a huge difference! Thanks for listening to the show. I hope it helps. 馃檹 Follow me on IG and TikTokLink to the original news article