How to Practice English at Home

English with Dane - Un pódcast de Dane


Here's an episode several of you have asked me to do. Tips, or strategies on how to practice English from the comfort of your home. This is a topic that became really relevant during the start of the pandemic when we were all stuck at home and although I've shared some of these throughout the life of the podcast, I thought I'd get my favorite tips not just from but from other teachers too and condense the best ones into this episode. It's important to note that none of these strategies are miracle cures for English learning and they should all be done together with other things in order to effectively improve. Hopefully, one or two of these tips for how to practice English at home help you or motivate you or allow you to find weaknesses in your abilities. As always, let me know what you think of the show!follow me on Instagramfollow me on TikTok