1019: "Managing Panic Attacks and Pure Joy: A Personal Story About Healing"
Emotionally Uncomfortable - Un pódcast de Hosted by Heather Chauvin | Insights inspired by Mel Robbins, Bréne Brown, - Miercoles

“As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.” - Goethe In this episode, I talk about: My own recent experience with panic and fear, and sharing the reality of that experience How to face the emotional discomfort and the painful healing journey when you decide to take action on change The importance of self-trust as an anchor and using the question "how do I want to feel?" as a guide to creating a strategy Continue the conversation on Instagram @heatherchauvin_ Find out more about the coaching OPEN HOUSE here heatherchauvin.com/join To learn more about the Attracting Profit Private Business Podcast visit heatherchauvin.com/profit Listen to my conversation with scientist and mindset & high-performance coach Claudia Garbutt on the Wired for Success Podcast, Ep. 124 Getting Emotionally Uncomfortable with Heather Chauvin For your own AG1 supply, visit: athleticgreens.com/eu