Tap In One-Word Power Affirmations With EFT For Wellbeing, Goals, and Relationships
EFT Tapping Junction - Un pódcast de Stephen Carter

In this episode you discover how to tap in one-word power affirmations using EFT, one-point tapping, and CPR tapping. You'll learn how to choose the exact one-word affirmation you need to enhance your emotional wellbeing, achieve goals, and strenthen relationships.---Free resources:To receive the Center Point Release (CPR) tapping guide along with a list of positive energy forms you can use to identify that "just right" positive one-word affirmation, create a blank email with the subject line reading "CPR Tapping". Address that email to: [email protected]:Stephen Carter - Website: https://StressReliefRadio.com - Email: [email protected] information:Recorded and initial edits with Twisted Wave. Additional processing with Hush and Levelator. Final edits and rendering with Hindenburg Pro to include VEA plugin. Microphone: Earthworks Ethos.---Key words:emotional_wellbeing, stress, stress_relief, achievement, success, Thought_Field_Therapy, tapping,