Powerful Tapping Template for Anger and Frustration
EFT Tapping Junction - Un pódcast de Stephen Carter

In this episode you learn how to apply the powerful Anger and Frustration Tapping Template to release the often painful emotions associated with anger.Get your written copy of the, "Tapping Template for Anger and Frustration Guide" by emailing [email protected] and putting "Anger Template" in the subject line.Timestamps:00:00 - Episode topic;00:19 - Show and host information;01:18 - Info about Anger Tapping Template;01:57 0 How to get written, "Anger Tapping Template Guide";02:19 - Identifying your chosen issue and starting SUDs level;06:36 - Begin applying template;06:46 - Step 1 - "I feel...";09:29 - Step 2 - "I wonder...";11:25 - Step 3 - "I choose...";14:35 - Evaluate results and follow up actions if needed;15:32 - How to get your questions answered, get a copy of guide, listen and subscribe to podcast;---Here is the template summary:Each step of this simple and effective 3-part Tapping Template for Anger and Frustration begins with two words. Those are: I feel… I wonder… I choose.While you're learning to apply this template, choose a situation with a SUDs charge between 3 and 7. After you've applied the template to two or three lower charged issues, you can then apply it to issues with higher SUDs levels.Bring to mind the situation you're choosing to work with.Identify your stress response level on the 0 to 10 Subjective Units of Distress (SUDs) scale. Alternatively, use Low, Medium, or High sense of stress. Ask yourself, ”In this moment, what is the SUDs charge on this situation?". Verbalize Honestly About What You’re Feeling! When working with chosen issues, don't censor what you say. Be an observer as you allow the words to flow. If curse words come out, let them come out. This is especially important when you're in the, "I feel…" step of the template.Remember, the template is, I feel… I wonder… I choose…Yawn, Sigh, Stretch: Begin with a really good Yawn, Sigh, and Stretch.Step 1: I feel…Tap the Karate Chop point (side of hand) as you give voice to what you’re feeling about the chosen situation.Example: ”I feel so angry, so frustrated about ________________ ! Give voice to what you’re feeling in your own words. Reminder phrases: Use short reminder phrases as you tap around the points. Example:Side of eye: “This is so unfair!” (use your own short reminder statements).Under eye: "So unfair!"Under nose: "So, so unfair!"Under lip: "Unfair!"Collarbone: "So, so, so unfair!"Underarm or remain at the collarbone point, your choice: "Unfair!"Crown point: "So unfair!”Hands over heart: Place hands to heart, right hand over left or left over right, either is fine and allow three comfortable in and out breaths. Step 2: I wonder…Tap the Karate Chop point and give voice to questions about the situation.Examples: ”I wonder why he said those awful things?. I wonder what got into him?”.Insert your own, "I wonder….?” setup statement about your situation.Reminder phrases: Tap the other points (see above - “Under eye, etc.) and voice short reminder phrases beginning with, “I wonder _______”. Example: “I wonder what got into him?.”Hands over heart: Place hands to heart, right hand over left or left over right, either is fine and allow three comfortable in and out breaths.Step 3: I choose…Tap the Karate Chop point and give voice to what you are now choosing to feel, understand, and do ongoing.Examples: ”I choose to know he has the problem. I choose to know I may never figure out why he behaved that way, but it doesn't matter. I choose to recognize I can only control my own...