Learn From 30 Plus World Class EFT Practitioners Plus Get Certified in Trauma Tapping
EFT Tapping Junction - Un pódcast de Stephen Carter

In this episode you discover how to join the 24-Hours of Tapping event for 2024 where you'll learn tips, tools, techniques, and knowledge from more than 30 world-class EFT Practitioners. This event is free to register and attend. When you register, you'll receive replays and bonus tapping resources. It's free to register.You'll also learn how to apply a simplified, easy to apply, and effective tapping method called the Trauma Tapping Technique (TTT) created by the Peaceful Heart Network.In addition, you discover how you can become a TTT Certified Practitioner at little to no cost through the Peaceful Heart Network organization.---Resources shared in the episode:Information and registration website for the 24-Hours of Tapping Event: https://24hoursoftapping.comGene Monterastelli's website with links to more than 500 episodes of his "Tapping Q and A" podcast: https://tappingqanda.com. Note: Check menus at top of the Tapping Q and A website homepage.The Peaceful Hearts Network website: https://peacefulheart.se.Page describing how to become a Certified TTT Practitioner: https://peacefulheart.se/get-certifiedLink for video showing how to tap finger points: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZMwdAE7_LQWebsite for host Stephen Carter to include "EFT Tapping Junction" and other podcast episodes: https://StressReliefRadio.comEmail to contact host Stephen Carter: [email protected] information:Recorded with Twisted Wave. Editing with Twisted Wave, Audacity, Hush (reverb and noise reduction), and Levelator. Final edits and rendering with Hindenburg Pro. Microphone: SE DynaCaster DCM8.---Key words:EFT, Emotional Freedom Techniques, tapping, Thought Field Therapy, TFT, TTT, energy psychology, 24 hours of tappathon, Trauma Tapping Technique, TTT, Peaceful Heart Network, ---