3 Big Mistakes EFT Practitioners Make and How to Avoid Them
EFT Tapping Junction - Un pódcast de Stephen Carter

In this episode you discover 3 big mistakes too many EFT practitioners make and how to avoid them. These mistakes are common whether you're working on your own issues or helping others with EFT tapping.Those big mistakes are:1. Lack of Precision in Identifying the Issue.2. Not checking the real world results of your work.3. Not trusting yourself or your client to arrive at an optimum resolution for the presenting issue.---Host:Stephen Carter - Website: https://StressReliefRadio.com - Email: [email protected] website for all episodes of "EFT Tapping Junction" - https://www.spreaker.com/show/eft-tapping-junction---Technical information:Recorded with WavePad. Edits with Twisted Wave, Levelator, Hush, with final edits and rendering in Hindenburg Pro. Microphone: SE DynaCaster DCM8.---Key words:Emotional Freedom Techniques, tapping, Thought Field Therapy, TFT, escalator_phobia, inner wisdom, emotional peace, emotional wellbeing,