Dr Kate Granger On The Importance Of "Hello My Name Is"

Dr Paddy Barrett Podcast - Un pódcast de Dr Paddy Barrett - Paddy Barrett interviews Dr Eric Topol, Prof Barry Schwa

Dr Kate Granger is an Elderly Medicine Consultant in her early 30s in Yorkshire in the UK - 'Nothing unusual about that really' as she comments in her blog. What is different about Kate is that for several years she has been living with a  terminal cancer diagnosis and how she has navigated that journey. She is the author of two books and has blogged to over a million readers on her blog. In addition to this she is the driving force behind the #HelloMyNameIs campaign for those in healthcare to always introduce themselves when meeting a patient - a simple but often overlooked act.    This is a wonderful conversation with someone who really has inspired me to reconsider and value so much in life.  If you enjoyed this episode please ‘Subscribe‘ on iTunes or Stitcher. Enjoy! Selected Show Notes: Dr Kate Granger Hello My Name Is The Other Side Story The Other Side by Dr Kate Granger The Bright Side by Dr Kate Granger Being Mortal by Atul Gawande The Diving Bell & The Butterfly by Jean Dominque Bauby Twitter: @GrangerKate    

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