358. Learning from the commons (Lebanon/Finland/Denmark). An interview to Joanna Saad-Sulonen

Diseño y Diáspora - Un pódcast de Mariana Salgado


Joanna Saad-Sulonen is the associate professor in Service Design at the IT University of Copenhagen, in the co-design research group. She is interested in the topic of participation, particularly in how civic participation intersects with the design of digital services and technology. She has been working on understanding the possibilities for commons-based and communal IT as well as the processes of participatory IT design. She has studied how groups of self-organized citizens use information technologies, and what type of design work is at hand in such configurations.  Her theoretical and conceptual framework draws from Scandinavian  participatory design, design research, civic participation, the commons,  and computer-supported collaborative work. She is working with concepts such as artifact ecologies, infrastructures/infrastructuring, and  commons/commoning. She usually follows an ethnographic approach, often n  combined with participatory design interventions, to collect rich qualitative data. This interview will be added to the lists: D&D in English,  Investigación en diseño, Dinamarca y diseño, Finlandia y diseño, Diseño de servicios y Diseño y gobierno.