350. Space unjust (Greece/Finland). An interview with Michail Galanakis
Diseño y Diáspora - Un pódcast de Mariana Salgado
Michail Galanakis is an architect and researcher specializing in public space. Specifically, in making public space accessible. His areas of expertise are public space, urban studies, urban research, transurbanism, spatial design, interculturalism, and socio-spatial justice. His doctoral degree Space unjust, has been pioneering in the field pointing to the need for new perspectives in the design of public space. He also brought up issues in relation to the sexualization of public space. This interview is part of the lists: D&D in English, Arquitectura para el cambio, Grecia y diseño, Diseño en Finlandia, and Diseño inclusivo. The lists are mainly in Spanish, as these lists are the way we are classifying the episodes.