Dads and birth trauma with Arran, Garret and the Birth Trauma Association #DaddyDebates podcast (S2 E4)

#DaddyDebates podcast by MusicFootballFatherhood - Un pódcast de MusicFootballFatherhood

In this week's episode Elliott chats to Arran and Garrett, 2 dads who have both experienced birth trauma. We are also joined by Kim from the Birth Trauma Association (   We have a really open and honest conversation about what it's like being a dad and watching your partner go through a difficult birth, feelings of helplessness, PTSD and therapy. Kim gives us some amazing insights into what more can be done to support dads who go through a traumatic experience. There are tears and laughter. This was a special conversation.   #DaddyDebates is the podcast for dads who are figuring out fatherhood. Every wednesday we delve into a different fatherhood related topic. Expect conversations on equal parenting, baby loss, relationships, race, identity and more. Buy our new book DAD: Twitter & Instagram: @MFFonline_

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