Watch God Work: Standing Firm in Faith Amid Life’s Challenges | Episode 133 [Top 10 Of 2023 #7]
Circle Time for The Soul for Christian Women | Bible Study, Daily Devotional, Faith Community, Morning Prayer, Trusting God - Un pódcast de Diana Marie | Christian Life Coach and Motivational Speaker
Hey ya’ll! Did you know God wants to EXALT you!? Girl, do not play when it comes to our God! We’ll start today, this beautiful November 1st, with a focus on wellness. We’re getting healthy together here sisters! The struggle is real but our God is realer! Today, we’ll begin with a conversation around our memory verse, 1 Peter 5:6-7 as we uncover what it looks like to be exalted by God in His time! We’ll close with our devotional titled: “Watch God Work!” If that ain’t a whole WORD I don’t know ya’ll. God has you! It’s time to learn how to “Stand Firm” in who God is as we encounter problems in our lives. Grab that journal, take a moment to yourself, and lean in as we discover how staying close to Jesus can help keep us afloat despite the waves of life! Don't miss out on this opportunity to grow in faith and learn more about what it looks like to hear from God and follow His word. ❤️ You Are Loved Diana Marie If you want to stay in touch 📸 Instagram - @circletimeforthesoul and @Diana___Marie — YOUR NEXT STEPS! — Circle Time Session “Faith Coaching” — Join The Facebook Group! — “Daily Devotional Discussions and Bible Studies for Christian Women” Support Circle Time on Patreon — Email — [email protected] Journal — (Affiliate Link) *Start Your New Life With Christ* — 🎵 Music: “Buenos Dias” Matt Large Episode 125: “Faith and Finances: God Wants To Meet You In Your Financial Worry! A Testimony From Diana Marie: