151 | Is It Possible To Live In Harmony With Everyone?!
Circle Time for The Soul for Christian Women | Bible Study, Daily Devotional, Faith Community, Morning Prayer, Trusting God - Un pódcast de Diana Marie | Christian Life Coach and Motivational Speaker
People. We deal with them on a regular basis whether we choose to or not. Some days, we operate in faith - other days, we need to ask Jesus for some more grace and direction than we think we have. Today, we’re going to dive into a new memory verse as well as a new reading from our devotional: “The Confident Women Devotional” by Joyce Meyer. Join me as we work towards expanding our faith while growing our relationship with God, together! May you be blessed, friends! Don't miss out on this opportunity to grow in faith and learn more about what it looks like to hear from God and follow His word. ❤️ You Are Loved Diana Marie If you want to stay in touch 📸 Instagram - @circletimeforthesoul and @Diana___Marie — YOUR NEXT STEPS! — Connect — www.facebook.com/groups/circletimeforthesoul Support on Patreon — https://patreon.com/CIrcleTimeforTheSoulPodcast?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=join_link Email — [email protected] Journal — https://dailykairos.com/diana-cummings (Affiliate Link) Devotional — https://amzn.to/497Cau9 Spiritual Gifts Test — https://giftstest.com/test Start Your New Life With Christ — https://lp.billygraham.org/find-peace-with-god/ Articles: https://billygraham.org/answer/what-does-the-scripture-isaiah-4031-mean/ https://www.biblestudytools.com/bible-study/topical-studies/what-does-isaiah-4031-mean.html 🎵 Music: “Buenos Dias” Matt Large Episode 149: "It's Time To Check Your Anger At The Door!" https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/circle-time-for-the-soul-daily-bible-study-daily/id1687321834?i=1000635779990 Episode 135: “When God Protects You From What You Didn’t See Coming” https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/circle-time-for-the-soul-daily-bible-study-daily/id1687321834?i=1000633572326