9. Learning from failure

BizzPod med Christian Jensby - Un pódcast de Deloitte Denmark


We always remember the successful innovations: The car, the Internet, the iPhone… We admire them, we struggle to repeat them – and the flops and blunders made on the way, well, they fade into oblivion.But that’s a shame, says PhD in organizational psychology Samuel West. Because we can learn a great deal more from our failures than our successes, although we would rather move on.To remind us, he has started his own “Museum of Failure” and in this episode of BizzPod, Deloitte’s Rasmus Mølbjerg gets a private tour.Appearing in this episode:• Samuel West, PhD in organizational psychology and founder of The Museum of Failure• Rasmus Mølbjerg, blockchain and technology innovation lead at Deloitte Denmark

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