5. With an affordable, battery-free IoT chip, the possibilities are endless

BizzPod med Christian Jensby - Un pódcast de Deloitte Denmark


It’s been more than 20 years since the idea of an “Internet of Things” was first conceived, but till now, “it’s really been the Internet of Expensive Things”, says today’s guest Steve Statler in conversation with Deloitte’s Rasmus Mølbjerg. Steve Statler is a podcaster, author of Beacon Technologies and SVP at Wiliot, a semiconductor company currently developing the world’s smallest computer: a paper thin, battery-free Bluetooth tag that could finally realize the potential of IoT.Appearing in this episode:· Steve Statler, author, podcaster and SVP at Wiliot· Rasmus Mølbjerg, blockchain and technology innovation lead at Deloitte Denmark

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