Episode 190: L.A. Confidential
Beyond the Screenplay - Un pódcast de Michael Tucker - Viernes

The BTS team discusses the film’s three distinctive protagonists, how the plot remains clear despite its complexity, and why the finale is such a fun and satisfying payoff. 🚀 Sign up for MUBI today using https://mubi.com/beyondthescreenplay to get 30 days of great cinema for free. January Patreon Vote: Gladiator II vs. Wicked: https://www.patreon.com/posts/january-patreon-117780859 🎬 Join our community! Head to the Beyond the Screenplay Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/beyondthescreenplay 👕 BEYOND THE SCREENPLAY MERCH https://lessons-from-the-screenplay.creator-spring.com ☕️ LFTS Merch: https://standard.tv/collections/lfts Find us on Twitter Beyond the Screenplay: https://x.com/BTScreenplay Michael Tucker: https://x.com/michaeltuckerla Tricia Aurand: https://x.com/TriciaJeanA Brian Bitner: https://x.com/BrianBitner Alex Calleros: https://x.com/Alex_Calleros Edited by Mike Wuerth and the Nebula Studios team Produced by Vince Major: https://x.com/VinceMajor Website: http://beyondthescreenplay.com For Inquiries and Booking: [email protected]