WarRoom Battleground EP 93: Elizabeth Warren Attacks Pregnancy Crisis Centers; The Title 9 Gender Ideology Radicals; The Economist And The Long War; New York Times Runs Cover For J6 Committee

Bannon’s War Room - Un pódcast de WarRoom.org

We discuss what is happening on the ground in battleground states ahead of the 2022 elections.  Our guests are: Terry Schilling, Jay Ellis, Frank Gaffney, Darren Beattie, Crom Carmichael Stay ahead of the censors - Join us warroom.org/join Aired On: 7/13/2022 Watch: On the Web: http://www.warroom.org On Gettr: @WarRoom On Podcast: http://warroom.ctcin.bio On TV: PlutoTV Channel 240, Dish Channel 219, Roku, Apple TV, FireTV or on https://AmericasVoice.news. #news #politics #realnews 

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