Episode 2 - Finding Ben Dark

As we move into our second episode and re-introduce you to season 1, we have to ask the most pressing question ever: just where the hell is Ben Dark? Seriously, the guy introduced himself into the world of Australian Survivor on a vine and stole our hearts and 17 years later he is missing. We're worried okay? Don't judge us. And if you do judge us, then make sure it's judging us on this episode. Because you're going to learn a lot about Whalers Way. A lot. You'll also learn just why there is a random woman dressed as a cat somewhere that is seemingly relevant to both Australian Survivor and the very first season. And there is also the possibility of learning a whole lot more about the behind the scenes stories that happened to make the very first season of Australian Survivor in 2002 happen. We just hope that with all that education you'll be able to use it to help us find Ben Dark once you're done listening. Come on Mr Dark, it's time to come home...