SG 04 / JAN 2021 / Broadcast Field IV, Urban field recordings

DENTRO DEL CÍRCULO | con Javier Rey - Un pódcast de audiotalaia


Urban Field confronts straight forward the noise extreme of urban soundscapes to which we immerse ourselves everyday. Or at least before lockdown. This broadcast aims to present a wide variety of urban sonic contexts where human presence, road traffic, culture, collective demonstrations and street live itself as the catalyst of the heartbeat of our society. A rhythm to which we are not entirely sure we wanna come back to. Broadcast Field is a series of non-linear soundscape compositions to be streamed online. The four broadcasts (8 hour long pieces) gather field recordings obtained by Edu Comelles along a decade. Each stream is dedicated to a specific theme. What you are listening right now is a generative soundscape composition that mixes ambiences and sounds with the aim to create a sonic tapestry, slow and constantly shifting that invites to a deep listening experience.