ASIAN STORE SNACKS Q&A (Surviving School, Dating Tips & BTS)
Asian Glow Podcast with Clarence Angelo - Un pódcast de Clarence Angelo

With every podcast episode having an Asians Answer segment, a lot of really good questions are not able to be answered LOL. In this video, we organized all the good questions that have been asked to us EVER and answer them, banter about them, etc. We talk surviving school with strict Asian parents, dating tips, KPOP (again rip), and BTS. Hope you enjoy this Asian Glow Podcast Q&A video.For the rest of the podcast:IG: @clarenceeangeloTik Tok: @clarence.angeloTik Tok: @asianglowpodcastPinterest: @asianglowpodcastWatch the video form of this episode HERE: you have the means to $UPPORT, we've been saving up for real podcast equipment to shorten editing time!Venmo: @clarence-angeloBecome a supporter of this podcast: