128 - Fear of Abandonment, People Pleasing and Inner Child Wounds with Energy Healing Practitioner John Steen
Adult Child - Un pódcast de Andrea
John Steen is an energy healing practitioner and fellow adult child of an alcoholic. He grew up in Boston with an alcoholic mother and emotionally unavailable father in a volatile and chaotic household.John hit an emotional bottom in October 2020, which made him realize that despite his years of therapy and 12-step programs - he still had not addressed his fear of abandonment, people-pleasing tendencies and inner child wounds. His subsequent recovery journey led him to Field Dynamics - an energy healing modality created by Keith Parker. He is now a Field Dynamics practitioner helping others clear their energetic blocks that are keeping them from living in their highest potential.Johnergy Healing⬇️DAMN THE JOIN SHITSHOW - ADULT CHILD HEALING COMMUNITY⬇️https://theshitshow.mn.co4 weekly zoom support groups (Sun 3: 30 pm EST, Mon 8:30 pm EST, Tues 1 pm EST, & Thurs 8:30 pm EST)Support community at your fingertips with discussion boards and chatSIGN UP FOR SHITSHOW NATION - ADULT CHILD NEWSLETTER👩HELP A GIRL & CAT EAT🐱 www.buymeacoffee.com/adultchild🛍️SHITSHOW MERCH🛍️www.adultchildpodcast.com/shop🎙️NEW TO THE POD🎙️How I learned I was an Adult Child - The Tale of 2 BriansTHE LAUNDRY LIST - Common Characteristics of an Adult ChildFollow Andrea on socialwww.instagram.com/adultchildpodwww.tiktok.com/@adultchildpodhttps://www.youtube.com/@adultchildpodMid-roll music source https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUVEFkjqiEE&pp=ygUuYSBsaXR0bGUgaGVscCBmcm9tIG15IGZyaWVuZHMgam9lIGNvY2tlciByZW1peA%3D%3D (I do not own the rights of song - for entertainment purposes only)Our Sponsors:* Check out Sunbasket: https://sunbasket.com/ADULTCHILD* Get 15% off on your entire first order at happymammoth.com with code ADULTCHILD at checkout!Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brandsPrivacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy