S2 E3 - Getting ‘The Ick’, Things in Moderation and Advice For the Partners of Those with ADHD

Adult ADHD/ASD: My Journey of Self-Discovery and Co-Occurring Diagnoses - Un pódcast de Adult_ADHD_ASD_Journey

In this episode, I discuss more quirks of ADHD, including ‘the ick’, abstinence vs moderation, forming connections to things that aren’t alive… I could go on!! I also offer advice to partners of people with ADHD on how to approach conversations going forward. ❤️ the podcast? Why don’t you give it a review/rating on this podcast platform! 💃 Want to support the podcast?! Why don’t you ‘Buy Me A Coffee’ ☕️? : https://www.buymeacoffee.com/adultadhd Follow/contact me on: Instagram: @adult_...