Relax, Learn Native Japanese Before Sleep - JLPT N5 words Summary
A Sleepy Japanese Podcast - Un pódcast de Masanori Mori

This time, I've changed the BGM to the healing music. I hope you get relaxed and learn Japanese vocabulary, and then even sleep tight :) Good night, おやすみなさい. In this video, you can learn IMPORTANT words for JLPT N5 with native and practical pronunciation. Those words/vocab are often LISTED UP in some official textbooks for JLPT. 【📝 Vocabulary list & Practical Tips】 topic ~Important thing~ - パスポート: passport 🛂 - ビザ: visa - たいしかん (大使館): embassy - たいせつな (大切な): important ✨ →ex) たいせつなもの。an important thing. - なくす (無くす): lose 😵 - かす (貸す): lend - かりる (借りる): borrow - かえす (返す): return - むだ (無駄): waste 🤷🏻♀️ →ex) じかんのむだ。waste of time. - いる (要る)/ひつようです (必要です): need 👌🏻 →ex) ビザがいる。I need a visa. - ほんとうに? (本当に?): Really ? 💭 - ほんとう (本当): true 🙆🏻 →*or しんじつ (真実) means the same, more like fact. - うそ (嘘): lie 🙅🏻♂️ →ex) あなたはうそをつく。You tell me lies. 😠 - ~について: about ~ →ex) あなたについて教えて。Tell me about yourself. - いのる (祈る): pray 🙏🏻 - さわる (触る): touch ✋🏻 →ex) さわるな!Don't touch ! ⏩Listen to the video again and again, then you will memorize easily 💤