Relax, Learn Native Japanese Before Sleep - JLPT N5 words | podcast (travel)
A Sleepy Japanese Podcast - Un pódcast de Masanori Mori

【📝 Vocabulary list & Practical Tips】 (movie ver) topic ~Go out~ - でかける (出掛ける): go out 🚶🏻 - でる (出る): leave →ex) いえをでる。I leave home. - つく (着く): arrive →ex) いえにつく。I arrive home. 🏠 - あう (会う): meet 👯♀️ - まつ (待つ): wait →ex) ともだちをまつ。I wait for my friend. - デートする: date🥰 - やくそくする (約束する): promise - ようじ (用事): plan →ex) ようじがある。I have a plan. - つごうがいい (都合が良い): convenient, available ⭕️ →ex) いつつごうがいいですか?When is available ? - つごうがわるい (都合が悪い): inconvenient ❌ →ex) きょうはつごうがわるい。Today is inconvenient. - だめです (駄目です): not good 🙅♀️ - かえる (変える): change - おでかけ (お出かけ): going out 🏞 - ちょっと~まで : just to ~ →ex) ちょっとえきまで。just to the station. - よかったら: If it's alright with you, - すみません: Excuse me / Sorry *useful word in Japan !😉 - ~でも・・ませんか?: Would you ・・?, How about ・・? 💁 (suggestion) →ex) おちゃでものみませんか?How about drinking tea ? - ~はちょっと... : not so good ~ →ex) きょうはちょっと...Today is not so good. *we just say 「~はちょっと」to refuse something, and we tend to avoid saying 「~はちょっと・・です」in direct way. - ざんねんですが (残念ですが): unfortunately 🙁 - またこんどおねがいします (また今度お願いします): Next time, please. - チャンス: chance, opportunity →or we would use きかい (機会). - いってきます: Good bye, I'm going. - いってらっしゃい: Have a nice day. 👋 - ただいま: I'm back. - おかえりなさい (お帰りなさい): Welcome back. 😊 →or casually we can say just おかえり. Listen to the video again and again, then you will memorize easily 🍘 And today I'm talking about "旅行 (travel)", I didn't know there are such remarkable places in Japan :)) Hope you like it, thanks ! To learn with movies, please visit YouTube channel here.