Relax, Learn Native Japanese Before Sleep - JLPT N5 words | podcast (after covid)
A Sleepy Japanese Podcast - Un pódcast de Masanori Mori

In this video, you can learn IMPORTANT words for JLPT N5 with native and practical pronunciation. Those words/vocab are often LISTED UP in some textbooks for JLPT importantly. And today I'm talking about "コロナ後 (after covid)". After this situation, anything you wanna do ? anywhere you wanna go ? For me, 2 things ~! Hope you like it, thanks :-) 【📝 Vocabulary list & Practical Tips】 topic ~Electricity~ - でんき (電気): electricity, light 💡 - つける: turn on 🔛 →ex) でんきをつける。I will turn on the light. - けす (消す): turn off →ex) でんきをけす。I will turn off the light. - あかるい (明るい): bright 🌕 - くらい (暗い): dark 🌑 →ex) このへやはくらい。This room is dark. - ビデオ: video 📼 →or we would call it どうが (動画). - スイッチ: switch 🕹 - まわす: turn - ひく (引く): pull - うごく (動く): move 🚶🏻 →ex) ねこがうごいている。A cat is moving. - おと (音): sound 🎶 - もし: If →or we would say もしも, as the same. - こしょうする (故障する): broken ✖️ →こしょう is the noun. - しゅうりする (修理する): repair, fix🧑🏻🔧 →しゅうり is the noun. - よぶ (呼ぶ): call 🙋🏻♀️ →ex) けいさつをよんでください。Please call the police. - なおす (直す): fix, correct 💁 - せいひん (製品): product - ボタン: button - おす (押す): press, push 👇🏻 →ex) このボタンをおす。I will push this button. - かぎをかける (鍵をかける): lock 🔐 →ex) かぎをしめる (鍵を閉める) is also used as the same. - リモコン: remote control - カード: card 💳 →or クレジットカード is fine. (we often just shorten it as カード.) - パソコン: computer 💻 →*comes from personal computer. ⏩Listen to the video again and again, then you will memorize easily 💯 <movei versions>