Cinebuds - Un pódcast de Radio Milwaukee - Miercoles

There are some things that are never a good idea. Eating Tide pods, for instance. Then there are things that deserve selective engagement — facing your fears, if you will.In the movie-watching realm, the horror genre falls into this general area because it’s frequently cited as the segment certain people simply will not venture into. Occasionally, however, a film comes along that at the very least merits consideration for taking that spooky road into the woods rather than staying on Rom-Com Boulevard.This episode of Cinebuds takes just such a detour as our hosts discuss the new Robert Eggers film, Nosferatu. Dori and Kpolly are particularly suited for this exercise, with both falling into the “not a big horror fan” camp and thus taking tentative steps into the genre from time to time.Spoiler alert (for the podcast, not the movie): Nosferatu is worth it.Will you need to be OK watching scenes involving thousands of rats? Yes. Does one of the main characters appear to be the physical embodiment of standing in the middle of a garbage dump in the middle of a fetid swamp and taking a big deep breath through your nose only? Sure. But, as Kpolly so eloquently states in the episode, if a film makes you feel strongly one way or the other, it’s time well spent.