180 grados - Porches, Canteo!, Weezer y Gracie Abrams ft Taylor Swift - 25/06/24
180 grados - Un pódcast de Radio 3
ABBA - Does Your Mother KnowWEEZER - Undone - The Sweater SongFONTAINES D.C. - FavouriteGHOST - The Future Is A Foreign LandEMPIRE OF THE SUN - Cherry BlossomSALUTE ft PIRI - Luv StuckPURPLE DISCO MACHINE & CHROMEO - Heartbreaker GRACIE ABRAMS – Us (Ft Taylor Swift)CELIA BECKS - AutocríticaHIPERGÉMINIS - Dos Vicioslevitants - Nuevas MetasJADE HAIRPINS - Drifting SuperstitionYO DIABLO - BalasZZ TOP - La GrangeCANTEO! - Bonnie & ClydePORCHES - Itch